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13 August 2011

update di hari ke-13 puasa

slm everyone!

hari-hari bkk ini blog.
tp sbb nk blogwalking je.
byk citer kene update.
psl norma n talib dkt kak moon
psl farah pny celoteh kt sini
seronok bace citer org.

almost 2 weeks lg nak raya.
perasaan xtau la nk explain cmne.
exited ke, so-so ke..
bercampur baur la.
kenangkan mak, kenangkan baby syaura..
klu ade mereka sure more happier.

but ade 1 surprise raya ni yg buatkan aku lg neves..
abah is getting married..........again?
yup..for the second time..
after mak left us last year..
ramai ckp nape cpt sgt..
well kami anak2 xde hak nak halang..
sbb selama ni ape saje permintaan kami abah tunaikan
so bersetuju sajelah..
even sumtimes ade 1 perasaan sebak yg dtg..
i was thinking kenapa bukan mak yg merasa kesenangan abah..
Alhamdulillah abah menang kes tuntutan tanah yg di tipu dulu...
abah get almost half million..
die beli bot, beli kreta baru..
beli mcm2..
but..mak is not here to share this happiness with.. lain pulak yg dpt..
itu sgt2 menusuk hati..

xpelah..redha saje dgn ketentuanNYA..
meratap merayu pon, mak n baby syaura wouldnt come back..
i miss them so much..


  1. odah..Alhamdulillah rezeki dari Allah tu.Boleh mintak duit raye kat abah lah ye :)

  2. hehe..boleh kak yana..jom la dtg raya umah odah kt jhr..
